

What we are looking for: Amazing Adult fiction in the following subgenres:
Science Fiction
Classic Movie Related Stories

We love characters that jump off the page and stories that make us think. Dazzle us.

Submission Requirements:
Finished manuscripts only.
- Novels should have a word count of 50,000 and above.
- We accept online submissions only.

Please submit manuscripts that have been through at least two rounds of edits. These do not have to be professional edits (That's our job!), but they should be beta read, or partner critiqued.

Please submit a query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript in the body of your email.

We do accept simultaneous submissions.

We accept submissions directly from the author or from an agent.

We answer every query and submission. If you do not hear back from us within one month, we most likely did not receive your query. Please feel free to check back with us.

Plagiarism of any type will not be accepted.

Any query for genres not listed above will be deleted immediately. Please do not submit if your book does not fall within those genres. You may email queries to:

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I submit to you if my novel has been previously published? Yes, if you have had your full rights reverted back to you or have retained your rights, you may submit to us.

2. If I don’t have an agent, can I still submit? Absolutely! We welcome submissions from both agented and un-agented authors.

3. Do you work with authors not based in the U.S.? We welcome authors from other countries. Just make sure that your manuscript is edited for U.S. English. (Slang, of course, depends on your story.)